237A Old Hope Road, Kingston 6.

876-803-9643 | 876-209-5800 (WhatsApp)

Opening Hours : Mon - Sat 9 am  -  6pm

Our Services


We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction. 

Marketing Plans

Without customers, your business cannot survive, therefore in order to attract and retain customers, your business will need a detailed Marketing Plan which will in turn help you to reach your target audience, boost your customer base and ultimately increasing your profit and the team here at CMCS is prepared to assist you in creating one.

Promotional Plans

In expanding and marketing your business or any particular product, it is important that a detailed strategy be created outlining the specific steps you intend to take in achieving a successful promotional campaign and we have a team capable of executing

 that Plan for you.

Business Plans

At CMCS, we possess all the

 requisite tools to assist Prospective and Established Entrepreneurs achieve both their short-term and long-term objectives. A good business plan is a very important strategic tool for Entrepreneurs who wish for their business ideas to succeed.

Sales Plans

Every situation in life requires us 

to think through, set goals & objectives, creating a plan and implementing same.

CMCS will help you foresee potential risks which pose threats to your business and help you to mitigate them beforehand.

Marketing Consulting

The team here at CMCS

 is skilled at identifying and exploiting 

business opportunities by implementing strategies centered on the core of your business. We will therefore monitor results, tweak as necessary and ensure that your business achieve the best possible results.

Marketing Research

Many of us when we think of a 

business idea, we would rather start making and selling products right away, however it is important that some level of research is conducted in an effort to learn more about a particular target market and CMCS provides Marketing Research services.

Feasibility Studies

CMCS provides assistance to

 Prospective Entrepreneurs in  examining the practicability of a proposal, business venture or idea.

Digital Marketing

In this 21st Century 

where technology has evolved as a result of globalization, it is required that Businesses of all kinds maintain a presence on the various social media platforms in an effort to reach a wider audience and also to personalize their messages to its intended target market and therefore CMCS is here to assist Entrepreneurs in managing their 

social media pages.

Project Assistance

The team here at CMCS understands that from time to time, Projects and Assignments can get a bit challenging and demanding especially for

 final year students. Therefore our team comprising of marketing graduates will provide you with the necessary assistance in any area of Marketing. 

You`ll be required to submit the questions, problems or topic via our email address and we will provide you with the requisite assistance.

Website Contents

A website can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help your business

grow based on the extensive reach it has. As such, we provide assistance in formulating and creating contents for your business`s website.

Public Relations

The team at CMCS possesses talented and eloquent communicators who know how to convey compelling, inspiring and educational messages so as to build awareness and create a positive image for your business.

Direct Marketing

Our team is comprised of experienced Marketers who are skilled in targeting specific groups of
clients with tailored messages by researching and identifying the prospective customers and
clients who are most likely to patronize your products and services.

Interested in Any of The Services Listed Above?

Schedule a Consultation!

Interested in Any of The Services Listed Above?

Schedule a Consultation!
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